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Sefer Torah, Isolated Scroll Sketch

Emes of Torah

An in-depth podcast on the fundamentals of Judaism

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Series 2: Torah

Welcome to the "Torah" series of Emes of Torah, where we explore the divine origin of the Torah, the authenticity of the oral tradition, and the ​relationship between Torah and science. Throughout this series, we will examine the unique claim of mass revelation at Sinai, the unbroken chain ​of mesorah, and address apparent conflicts between Torah and modern scientific knowledge.

1-2. Truth of Torah I & II

In this two-part episode, we present the rational basis for believing in the divine origin of the Torah. We explore the ​singular nature of the Torah's claim of mass revelation at Sinai and demonstrate how this sets it apart from all other ​religious texts. We also refute attempts to undermine the authenticity of this claim.

3. Oral Law and Mesorah

Discover the rock-solid foundation of the oral law and the unbroken chain of transmission that has safeguarded the ​integrity of the Torah throughout the generations. We trace the mesorah from Sinai to the present day and show ​how the Oral law is an indispensable key to unlocking the wisdom of the written Torah.

4. Limits of Science

In this episode, we define the scope and limitations of the scientific method. We differentiate between observable ​facts, scientific theories, and consensus, emphasizing that science is a tool for understanding the natural world but ​cannot answer questions of ultimate meaning and purpose.

5. Age of the Universe

We tackle the apparent conflict between the Torah's account of creation and the scientific estimate of the ​universe's age. We explore the assumptions underlying scientific dating methods, propose a framework for ​reconciling the two perspectives, and demonstrate that the Torah's account is not necessarily at odds with ​scientific observations.

6. Chazal and Science

In this episode, we address instances where the statements of Chazal seem to contradict modern scientific ​knowledge. We provide a nuanced approach to resolving these discrepancies, exploring and distinguishing ​between scientific facts and theories that may change over time.

7. Is There Morality Without G-d?

We investigate the question of whether morality can exist without a Divine source. We critique attempts to ground ​morality in human reason, social contract theory, or nature, and demonstrate how they ultimately fail to provide a ​compelling basis for objective moral truths.

8. The Torah of Truth

We present the Torah as the ultimate source of truth and meaning, transcending the relativistic and subjective ​morality of human-derived systems. We explore how the mitzvahs connect us to Hashem, the only true existence, ​and enable us to live meaningful lives with eternal impact.

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